Books Vitali Ostrowski gained widespread popularity not so long ago. This largely contributed to the video blog writer who in just two years has won more than half a million participants. And video folk healer Vitali Ostrowski watched more than 10 million people in our country and the countries of the near abroad. The video lectures Ostrowski brought the popularity of him and his books.
Biography Of Vitali Ostrowski
And this is about the biography of Vitali Ostrowski, it is known about him is not too much. On his own statement he was born in 1955 in the Russian hinterland. What education he received and where he was certain not known, and the Vitali With. do not burn the desire to reveal this information. Only known that he moved to Moscow, where and lives in the moment. So at the request of the writer himself is a member of the International royal academy of united nations in the rank of honorary herbalist. Even if many doubts are raised as to the jurisdiction of this organization to the united nations and more pronounced. Yes, and the availability of this title as an honest herbalist does not inspire trust. But yes, the investigation, about no one holding, and the reason to believe Vitaly Semenovich Ostrovsky in the us no.
Vitali Ostrovsky gained fame thanks to his video blog. The first entry in it is dated by January 2016. And it is this date can be considered as a point in the report is the growth in popularity of herbalist. Although at that time already published the first book of the Vitali Ostrowski "Guarantee of health". But the still find this book it is possible only on the website of the author and his pages in social networks. Even in one bookstore Vitali Ostrovsky books are not represented. However, the interest in the lecture of the healer growing like a snowball. Finally, at this point you can find a few hundred video Ostrowski on various topics related to health. Increased and the number of books Vitali Ostrowski: "to Strengthen the male power! Something about the potency", "body Cleansing gifts of nature", "Self-practitioner", which can be found on his website. And due to its growing popularity, soon we'll see the new book Ostrowski and maybe already on the favorite internet resources.